How does cold sores treatment with Dapper work?
We use telemedicine technology, and U.S. licensed healthcare professionals to discreetly, conveniently, and inexpensively provide cold sores treatments.
It starts with your online visit. Your doctor or nurse practitioner needs to know about your health (e.g., medications, lifestyle issues, prior surgeries) and how cold sores affect you.
They also need personal ID to know who they will be helping in the coming year. They review everything, determine if you're a candidate for telemedicine, and, if so (most people are), they will craft a personalized treatment plan.
Their treatment plan will include a great deal of information about cold sores. It is important that you take the time to read it all. You will be better prepared to manage your condition as a partner and not just as a patient.
If you qualify, your doctor or nurse practitioner will provide a diagnosis and prescribe the right course of treatment to help you take control of herpes outbreaks.